January 2024: If you are having recent issues signing into Trillian, please update to the latest version of Trillian for your device. The latest version of Trillian can be found on our website or within the App Store for a mobile device.

Signing into Trillian

There are two different types of Trillian accounts you can use to sign in:

Determining your Trillian account type

These are the instructions for users running

Signing into Trillian for Windows with a personal account

  1. If you don't have an account, click sign up for free to create one.
  2. Otherwise, provide your existing username and password.
  3. By default, Trillian will sign you in as online and visible to your contacts. If you want to sign in as invisible instead, click Online to change your status to Invisible.
  4. Click Sign in to proceed.
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Signing into Trillian for Windows with a business account

  1. Provide your existing username and password. Do not sign up for a new account - you already have one!
  2. By default, Trillian will sign you in as online and visible to your contacts. If you want to sign in as invisible instead, click Online to change your status to Invisible.
  3. Click Sign in to proceed.
If your company runs its own Trillian Server, we don't have access to your account information and can't help recover lost or forgotten passwords! Talk to your company's Trillian administrator if you need a hand.
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